Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 1 of 30


I do believe the hardest part of my day is OVER!
Hit the Curves Circuit at about 6:45ish....Early Birds were heading out and the next wave of awesome women were heading in!

Krissy was busy recruiting new participants, recording weights and measures and watching form on the Machine of the Week: Lateral Lift!

(remember 5 reps with GOOD FORM is better than pumping out 100 with bad form!)

It's gonna be a BUSY day in the club!

I am working my plan this morning.....Set my alarm, set my coffee pot so I could have a quick cup before heading to Curves for my workout....and actually GOT UP AND HIT THE CIRCUIT!  On mornings like these I know it is hard!

Next Up:

Like I mentioned before, I don't like cooking.  Protein Shakes save me in the mornings and at night sometimes.

The BEST time to have your protein shake is AFTER YOUR WORKOUT.  

After your workout your muscles are like dry sponges just waiting to soak up the good stuff!  Curves Protein Shake not only ensures you will retain your lean muscle while burning body fat, it is also full of vitamins and fiber.  It tastes really good blended with ice and milk, but I hate washing the blender, so I just use my Curves Shake Shaker....this is my FAVORITE on the go Protein Shake recipe:

Gina's Mocha On The Go

8 oz skim milk (or soy or almond)
2 scoops Curves Chocolate OR Vanilla Protein Powder
1 tsp instant coffee
cinnamon to taste

Nothing...and I mean NOTHING keeps my munchies at bay like a good protein shake!

.....not to mention it keeps my dishes clean ;-)
.....and my oven

You ladies have a great day...I need to get going again...gotta get Izzy to school and pack my food for the day!

Let's GO!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

My 30 Day Workout Plan

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan!

Here is where I show you my plan for workouts over the next
30 Days.

Now, I am not suggesting you make a graphic like I am about to show you.  The older I get the more visual I become, so this helps me considerably. I also find it very relaxing to do this kin of stuff on the computer ;-)

It is on my cork board in the kitchen.

Does this look overwhelming?
It ALWAYS does to me!
But it isn't.....if you plotted out your time for a 24 hour period, you would see that this is totally DO-ABLE even with your crazy busy 

I have my 4 Curves Workouts plus my +30 activities here :-)
If *I* can do this, YOU can too!

WE ALL HAVE 24 hrs.
How will you spend them?

We have committed to the next 30 Days.
It is JUST 30 DAYS.
...and we do it


What my meal plan typically looks like.....

Real quick I want to show you what my day of food typically looks like.

There are THREE ways to work the Nutrition Program outlined in your Curves Fitness and Weight Management Book:

1.  Exchanges
2.  Pick and Choose
3.  On the Go

I usually go EXCHANGES, because I do NOT like to read menus and cook by recipes.  My family has their healthy favorites and I always have that food on hand.  Eliminates the need to hit that drive-thru!

Today looks like this...mostly because I need to go shopping.  It might look boring to you, but it works for me.  I don't like thinking about food too much.  Keep it simple, healthy and consistent.  Eating this way actually eliminates a lot of my cravings....

Phase I Higher Carboyhdrate Version:

B: 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 banana, coffee
S:  orange
L:  green salad with 3/4 c garbanzo beans, red onions, 4 olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, capers drizzled with balsamic vinegar,water
S:  Curves Chocolate Protein Shake
D:  3/4 c mashed pinto beans, onions, tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, lettuce, hot sauce, 4 corn tortillas, water

Super easy, Super fast.
My family eats this too, only I make cheese and sour cream available to them for their tostadas...maybe some spanish rice.  They will get a sandwich with their salad at lunch....

This is Phase the calories are on the restricted is ust ONE can do this...and trust me you will be happy you did!  Next week you get much more food to work with!


We are HOURS away from Day 1 of the 30 Day Challenge!

Good Morning Challengers!!

How are we doing?

Have you scheduled your weigh and measure?
Have you  planned your menu and shopping list?
Have  you planned your workouts for this week?

If NOT, take some time RIGHT NOW to do it.

I'll wait right here..... :-)


Sundays are busy days for me.  This is the day I prepare for the coming week:  Shopping. Cleaning. Cooking.


Yes...COOKING.  I get as much done today as I can because like you, I am busy with work, kids, husband and sometimes friends ;-)

Many people won't do this.  They like their meals FRESH.  Well, GET OVER IT.  "Fresh" usually ends up hitting the fast food drive through or calling for Pizza delivery because we DID NOT PLAN AHEAD for that *fresh* meal.

Purchase some Ziploc/Glad/Tupperware food savers and PLAN.  Do as much prep work as possible:  grill chicken breast, boil eggs, chop veggies and fruit, cook up a pot of beans...that way it is there waiting and that is fast food that will help you reach your goals!!

Husband won't eat it?  Kids complain?  They need the healthy food, too.  I am not suggesting you put everyone on a weight loss plan...I am suggesting you make YOUR health a PRIORITY.  If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot take care of your family....It's all good :-)

Feeling overwhelmed?
We are here to help.

Read your Curves Fitness and Weight Management Book.  If you need help or want one on one counseling, contact us.  



Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's Time to WORKOUT!

I know.  You think you have a handle on this.
The 30 Day Challenge
only *requires* you to workout 3xs a week.
That keeps you in the contest for prizes.

Let's be honest.  Are you really  committing to this challenge for the opportunity to win bobble...a trinket...something shiney?

I don't think so.  I think you committed for the same reason I did.  To look and feel your best before the Summer months get here.

That is NOT a bad thing.

So let's look at the WORKOUT.
We went to convention back in October.....SO MUCH FUN!

But with all that fun came a whole LOT of education.

Curves spends MILLIONS of dollars researching the circuit at Baylor University.  We learned that to see OPTIMUM results (especially if you have a few pounds and inches you want to lose) we need to commit to 30 minutes 4 times a week  in the circuit, and as always your 30 min. extra activity on most days (like walking, playing basketball with the kids, dancing, etc.)

This is still SO DO-ABLE!
Think about it.  How many of your favorite tv shows are 30 min. or longer?

I'll give you a minute...
......'cuz unless your kid is an actor or actress on a popular show, you have no excuse for all that butt time :-)  Spend it marching in place (I do this!), or move that dusty exercise bike inside and pedal while you watch.  Who cares if it doesn't your decor?

Have I offended you yet?

This picture makes me laugh...and too bad I couldn't make it bigger... this is being

This is a shot of my living room.  The bike is there...has been for about a month because the garage is too cold.  My fireplace dons 2 of my Three Wise Men...a gift from Twin several years ago...I just like them so they stay there year 'round.  Balthazar lost an arm and his head when I lost control of my hoop one he is no longer with us......and I see Isabella's Holly Wreath that she made A YEAR AGO....

....the box is headed to AmVet trailer...soon.  Has been in the front room for a few weeks.  Full of videos I need to get rid of because I no longer have a VCR.

There is Nathaniel in his rocking chair...and you can see the hearth by him is beginning to collect the first dishes of the weekend.

Holly Homemaker I AM NOT.

...but I am just ONE of your FIVE FABULOUS
Circuit Coaches....and we are here with you every step of the way!

So your PLAN should have you marking your calendar and schedule for 
30 min. extra activity on most days



Which Version? Higher Protein? Higher Carbohydrate?

So we are in the middle of PLANNING our first week of the 30 Day Challenge....

If you are following the Curves Weight Management Program (and I hope you are), you need to decide on a "version".

Studies done at Baylor Institute found that those women following the Higher Protein Version saw better results, but to be honest, I have followed BOTH versions, been equally happy, and saw great results!  

So what YOU  need to do is decide what YOUR preference is.  Look over the versions in the book and choose.  Choose the one that appeals to YOU.

If you are a vegetarian, the Higher Carbohydrate Version might make more sense....but again, your preference!  

I will be going with the Higher Carbohydrate Version this go 'round.  (Studies at Baylor also indicate that once you have been working the program for 6 or more months it is best to switch over to the HC version.)

I also suggest you get a GOOD MultiVitaminThis will help keep cravings at bay by filling in nutrtional holes that may occur while cutting calories (especially in Phase 1).  We ALL need a good vitamin.  If you have questions, contact me!

Let's Go! 

The Road to Fat Pants is Paved with Good Intentions


Yeah, I said it.
This is where it gets REAL....
Where the rubber meets the road....

We all have a GREAT time at Curves all year long.  If you haven't experienced Curves, there really is no way to describe it. Fitness, Fun, Support, Encouragement...on so many levels...

But for the next 30 days we are going to focus on RESULTS.  We are going to revisit the WHY you first came through those doors, and we are going to re-evaluate your current goals.  Whether or not you officially signed up to participate, you will glean the benefits of the 30 Day Challenge.

The Challenge starts, officially, MONDAY.  
I wanted to get a jump start, because I had a bad week and was just feeling ICK.  I was getting my workouts in, but my FOOD was WAY OFF TRACK.  I did great on The Curves Weight Management Program, Higher Carbohydrate Version....until Rick came homw with Pizza and Pineapple Soda.

Many have heard me say I NEVER say NO to PIZZA.
...and I don't drink soda unless it is Diet Cherry Pepsi in the heat of Summer....but I tried the Pineapple soda...eeegads...delish! had ...a lot....evil libation.

It wasn't my INTENTION.  My INTENTION was to get started on the Challenge a couple of days early....


It was/is my PLAN to start on Monday with everyone else.  This weekend is PLANNING my menu, shopping list, etc.  My PLAN also included telling my family I am doing this 30 day challenge.  I find when I tell someone, honestly, what my PLAN is, I am honest with myself.

My intentions were *good*.....but my PLAN is better!

So over the course of the next 30 days, PLAN YOUR WORK AND WORK THE PLAN....proactively.  Put faith in YOURSELF and the ability YOU HAVE to CREATE SUCCESS.

You can do it.
I KNOW you can ;-)

Friday, February 25, 2011


If I could type this 1000 times I would....just for emphasis.

Planning is KEY to your success.

Think about that for a minute.
Think about all of the important events of your life:

Did you PLAN for these events?  OF COURSE YOU DID!  Months and MONTHS!  Was it worth it?  OF COURSE IT WAS!  Wonderful memories and times spent with family, friends and loved ones!

Some events are not on the calendar, however....not for months anyway.  Sometimes we have weeks to ready ourselves for an event...sometimes days....maybe even hours!  Don't you want to be healthy for ALL of them?

OF COURSE YOU DO! we PLAN.....just like we do for Christmas, Weddings, Birthdays...we plan for this event we call LIFE.

Are you ready? 
You have committed to this 30 Day Challenge, so let's PLAN for SUCCESS!

Your SUCCESS TO DO LIST for this weekend:

You cannot manage what you do not measure!

*Prepare a shopping list of healthy foods. 
If you need help, CONTACT US!

* Plan out a menu plan.  If not for the whole family, FOR YOU.
The men and kids will me!

3-4 times in the Circuit...30 min extra everyday
for OPTIMAL results
(you are only required to workout 3x's for the promo, but we are PLANNING for SUCCESS!)

*If you need to, schedule an appointment for one-on-one counseling with your Circuit Coach.  WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!


The rain is falling and still you gals make it in for your workouts.....I tell ya THAT is an inspiration...YOU inspire me!

If you are here, that means you have committed to the 30 Day Challenge!  Congratulations!!  Although the weather report says SNOW of all things, Summer is right around the corner!  115 days to be exact!  You know what THAT means.....


BBQ s!


Let's face it....Summer is FULL of social events and fun in the sun!  We want to be able to enjoy the time with friends and family, just like we do during the Winter holidays...but what can dampen our spirits?

Not feeling our best
Not looking our best

Are you excited?
Because I am!
It takes 21 days to create a habit...

You are creating as HABIT that will carry through all of the important events in your life; ensuring you LOOK and FEEL YOUR BEST!

So let's get started!
Let's ENCOURAGE each other!