Sunday, February 27, 2011

My 30 Day Workout Plan

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan!

Here is where I show you my plan for workouts over the next
30 Days.

Now, I am not suggesting you make a graphic like I am about to show you.  The older I get the more visual I become, so this helps me considerably. I also find it very relaxing to do this kin of stuff on the computer ;-)

It is on my cork board in the kitchen.

Does this look overwhelming?
It ALWAYS does to me!
But it isn't.....if you plotted out your time for a 24 hour period, you would see that this is totally DO-ABLE even with your crazy busy 

I have my 4 Curves Workouts plus my +30 activities here :-)
If *I* can do this, YOU can too!

WE ALL HAVE 24 hrs.
How will you spend them?

We have committed to the next 30 Days.
It is JUST 30 DAYS.
...and we do it



  1. This cracks me up...youhave seen my messy front you can see my cork board that has my Family Fun Run medal and number...and is that a Holly sprig below??? HOLY COW maybe I need to create a declutter calendar for myself!!!

  2. LMAO! Love it. So excited for the results from these next 30 days!
