Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Road to Fat Pants is Paved with Good Intentions


Yeah, I said it.
This is where it gets REAL....
Where the rubber meets the road....

We all have a GREAT time at Curves all year long.  If you haven't experienced Curves, there really is no way to describe it. Fitness, Fun, Support, Encouragement...on so many levels...

But for the next 30 days we are going to focus on RESULTS.  We are going to revisit the WHY you first came through those doors, and we are going to re-evaluate your current goals.  Whether or not you officially signed up to participate, you will glean the benefits of the 30 Day Challenge.

The Challenge starts, officially, MONDAY.  
I wanted to get a jump start, because I had a bad week and was just feeling ICK.  I was getting my workouts in, but my FOOD was WAY OFF TRACK.  I did great on The Curves Weight Management Program, Higher Carbohydrate Version....until Rick came homw with Pizza and Pineapple Soda.

Many have heard me say I NEVER say NO to PIZZA.
...and I don't drink soda unless it is Diet Cherry Pepsi in the heat of Summer....but I tried the Pineapple soda...eeegads...delish! had ...a lot....evil libation.

It wasn't my INTENTION.  My INTENTION was to get started on the Challenge a couple of days early....


It was/is my PLAN to start on Monday with everyone else.  This weekend is PLANNING my menu, shopping list, etc.  My PLAN also included telling my family I am doing this 30 day challenge.  I find when I tell someone, honestly, what my PLAN is, I am honest with myself.

My intentions were *good*.....but my PLAN is better!

So over the course of the next 30 days, PLAN YOUR WORK AND WORK THE PLAN....proactively.  Put faith in YOURSELF and the ability YOU HAVE to CREATE SUCCESS.

You can do it.
I KNOW you can ;-)

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