Saturday, February 26, 2011

Which Version? Higher Protein? Higher Carbohydrate?

So we are in the middle of PLANNING our first week of the 30 Day Challenge....

If you are following the Curves Weight Management Program (and I hope you are), you need to decide on a "version".

Studies done at Baylor Institute found that those women following the Higher Protein Version saw better results, but to be honest, I have followed BOTH versions, been equally happy, and saw great results!  

So what YOU  need to do is decide what YOUR preference is.  Look over the versions in the book and choose.  Choose the one that appeals to YOU.

If you are a vegetarian, the Higher Carbohydrate Version might make more sense....but again, your preference!  

I will be going with the Higher Carbohydrate Version this go 'round.  (Studies at Baylor also indicate that once you have been working the program for 6 or more months it is best to switch over to the HC version.)

I also suggest you get a GOOD MultiVitaminThis will help keep cravings at bay by filling in nutrtional holes that may occur while cutting calories (especially in Phase 1).  We ALL need a good vitamin.  If you have questions, contact me!

Let's Go! 

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