Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 8 of 30....CurvesSmart Challenge

It is getting late on Day 8 of 30....I need to get to bed so I can open the club in the morning!

How are your workouts?

 I know this is a man, but I thought the picture was so cute I had to use it!

I have a challenge for you...something to spice up your workout and keep it interesting this week...

Those of you of you on CurvesSmart KNOW what a valuable tool this is.  You have that motivation and push at every machine, because CurvesSmart REMEMBERS what you can do and calls you on it EVERY WORKOUT!

...but there is one thing I have discovered in my own workouts....the lights tend to tell me when I am getting tired.... they turn yellow and that is my signal I am getting fatigued.....

That is also an excuse, whether or not we realize it.

So my daughter and I decided NOT to look at our lights.  We made sure we are right on cue...get that card in and we line up our spines on the seat of the machine and CLOSE OUR EYES....

Then we work the machines as hard as we can for the 30 seconds.....WE ARE NOT SEEING THE LIGHT GO YELLOW, SO WE ARE NOT BEING FOOLED INTO THINKING WE ARE TIRED....!!


I can hear the question now:  "How do you know if you are GREEN?"

We don't during the workout, but I tell you what, our CALORIE BURN increases EACH WORKOUT!  We are hitting our targets and seeing results at the KIOSK!

I am not suggesting you do this on ALTERNATE need to slow it up on those day...this technique is just for your STRENGTH DAYS.

Try it, have fun with makes your workout a lot of fun and you are only ever competing with yourself!

Let me know how you do...I will try to remind you in club to try it :-)

Let's GO!