Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Meet Carol! Zumba Instructor EXTRAORDINAIRE!

This year Curves International 
introduced us to 

This is an exciting new workout that features the Curves 30 min. workout with the motivating MUSIC and DANCE MOVES of ZUMBA!
Curves of Paso Robles is fortunate to be working with 
ZIN Zumba Instructor
Carol Janssen!

We are all having a BLAST with Carol toning up, burning HUNDREDS of calories, and having so much fun it's hard to believe we are working out!

Recently, Carol took time out of her very busy schedule to allow me an interview.


Q:  Where were you born and raised?

Carol:  I was born in Tampa, FL but my family moved to Mequon, WI (near Milwaukee) when I was two years old. We moved to California (LA area) when I was 12.

Q:  What did you study in school?

Carol:  Speech Communication in college. (I got my law degree in 1991 and practiced law until a few years ago- I don't usually tell my Zumba participants about it because it freaks them out!)

Q:  Have you always been athletic?

Carol:  Yes and No. As a kid, I did gymnastics but I got too tall for it by age 12. I studied dance (ballet, jazz and modern) when I was in high school and college. I was a terrible "athlete" when it came to team sports- softball, basketball, etc. I was a couch potato for most of my 20's and 30's and re-discovered exercise about 8 years ago.

Q:  Can you tell us a bit about your fitness journey?

Carol:  While in college, I taught high impact aerobics to horrible techno-pop music. In the 1980's we wore leotards, nude tights with leg warmers. I wore my pony tail sticking out from the side of my head. After college, I became a couch potato for many years and eventually found myself struggling with severe stress, back problems, hip pain and knee pain. I was not really overweight, but I was about 20 pounds heavier than I am now. About 8 years ago, I started taking a yoga/pilates class and loved it. After being a participant for about a year, I decided I wanted to teach again and got certified to teach a Les Mills "Body Flow" class (yoga/pilates). My stress level reduced and my pain lessened. Over the next few years, I trained to teach yogafit, Stott Pilates reformer, Group Power (weight training) and Group Groove (dance exercise) classes. I received both a Group Fitness and Personal Training certification from the American Council on Exercise (ACE). I discovered Zumba last summer and became licensed to teach last August. I am also licensed to teach Zumba Gold which is designed specifically for active, older adults. (About 1/2 of my weight loss occurred during the last 6 months with Zumba. I'm maintaining my current weight by eating more!)

Q:  What was YOUR first Zumba class like?

Carol:  It was love at first sight (or maybe first step). I loved the music. I felt a little klutzy at first, but it was so much fun, I didn't care. I find Zumba has a wonderful sense of freedom that's lacking in other forms of cardiovascular exercise.

Q:  What are the benefits of the Zumba Workout?
Carol:  With Zumba, you can smile and laugh while getting a great cardio workout. While improving your heart health, you slim down, trim your waistline, strengthen your legs and tone your arms.

Q: Do you have hobbies? What do you do when you have a bit of spare time?
Carol: I love spending time with my husband and my two yellow Labrador retrievers. We take them to the beach, the river, the creek, or the park. I still have a bit of coach potato left in me and I love watching movies at home. My favorites are old Cary Grant/Alfred Hitchcock films like Notorious and North by Northwest.

Q:  What is your favorite part of being in the fitness industry? 
Carol:  I get to do something I love and meet some really amazing people. The participants in my classes really inspire me. With regular exercise, I have seen people overcome depression and get off medication. Others are battling various physical/medical problems and making significant improvements in their lives.

Q:  What would you say to those curious about Zumba that might be afraid to try or anxious about their ability to participate?

Carol:  I am a recovering "perfectionist." I understand wanting to get it "right." You have to forget about being perfect or getting the steps instantly. (I don't always get them right away either!) Zumba is a party. Join the fun. Have a good time. No one cares how your moving or how you look. I only care that you ARE moving in a way that's comfortable to you. The participants in my Zumba classes are the least judgmental people I've ever met. They just want you to be yourself and join the party. You are never too old for Zumba. Many of my participants are in their 70's and I help them adapt the moves to a pace and a means that suits them. 
Carol teaches Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness
10:30am  AND 11:00am
4:00pm and 4:30pm

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