Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 11 of 30...Stiff, Sore and Tired

Good Morning!!

How are you feeling today?

We are ending week 2 of the 30 Day Challenge here at Curves!  Chances are if you are hitting the circuit at least 3 times a week, doing your +30 most days dancing with Curves Circuit with Zumba and following the Weight Management program here and there you feel like me:

My back especially

So what do you do when you are feeling this way?

Do you give yourself an excuse to not workout?

Do you give yourself an excuse to have a treat because "you are working so hard?


It's called The 30 Day Challenge, not the 30 Day EASY

Trust me.  I am inclined to do the exact same thing.  You don't think some nights I would rather just flog in front of garbage TV and have a glass of wine?
How about putting off that workout until it gets too late?
As different and as unique as we all are, we have some very strong similarities:

We have jobs, kids, husbands, etc.

But we have committed to this challenge.  It is only 30 Days.
It takes 21 days to establish a habit GOOD OR BAD...
So by the end of this Challenge we will have a very good habit established!

So how do we avoid the BLAHS?

1.  Acknowledge the feeling.

"Oh hello stiff muscles...I know you.  Look, I know you want me to sit and watch Ellen/Dancing with the Stars/Oprah/Dr. Phil, but I am committed to this is only 30 minutes and I will be so happy when it's over!  Let's go!"

2.  Eat well

You should be eating every three hours.  This keeps you from getting really hungry, keeps your energy high, and it keeps your metabolism stoked.  If you need help with this, talk to your Circuit Coach!

3.  Drink Your Water

Hydration helps every one of your biological processes.  Sometimes hunger is actually a bit of dehydration....

4.  Treat yourself every night

Not with food, but with a nice looooong bubble bath.  Peace, quiet and muscle relaxing.  Don't have time?  MAKE TIME.  It is important.  Use this time for meditation, setting goals, and maybe saying a few quiet "thank yous"...

Most important, know you are not alone!
All of us here at Curves are
Call us!
Drop by!
Set an appointment!

We are almost 1/2 way through!
Now let's finish strong!

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