Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 16 of 30...You gotta EAT!

Last night was ROUGH.

I made it through the day just fine....

Had a GREAT workout...

Had a GREAT day at work...
...but towards the end of my shift I really felt myself shutting down...like power circuit boards failing one at a time.....

Krissy wanted me to do a +30 with her last night....at 11am I was all for it...by 4pm I was having second thoughts.....by 5pm I knew I wasn't going to make it....

I DID get a + 30 in...I walked Isabella to and from school (20 min) and then walked up to Rite Aid with Rick last night (10 min)....

Can I blame it on the time change?

I guess I could....I was tired and tempted to fall off the Weight Management Wagon....BIG TIME....

My oldest walked in the door last night with groceries and:

...and yes, there are frosted mugs in the freezer...

We aren't *drinkers*
But we are prepared.

...and boy did that look good to me last night...
a frosty mug with my feet in Rick's lap
watching something meaningless on TV....

not to mention the Honey Something Or Others in my pantry calling my name....
(I refuse to by Fruity O's again)


SO why was last night so hard?

I think I tripped myself up by replacing two meals with a protein shake...I was just too tired to EAT, so I grabbed my shake shaker and slammed a shake TWICE yesterday....

I think that is what happened...on top of being exhausted, I just didn't EAT enough....

So this morning I packed my protein shake for breakfast AND hardboiled eggs and an orange for later this morning BEFORE Curves Circuit with Zumba....

That should do it.
I'll let you know.

How are YOU doing?

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