Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Oh man...last night I was going to blog and WHINE WHINE WHINE.

Day 1 is typically a hard day: new goals, pushing yourself onthe circuit,sticking to the Weight Management Program....

But the HARDEST part of Day 1......heck, who am I foolin',,,the hardest part of EVERYDAY (for me anyway) is the EVENING.

I do pretty well during the day.  I am busy, I have my food packed and so Iplug along.  BUt I tell ya, once I get home and things get quiet I have a really hard time.

Yesterday I was tired and sore from getting up REALLY early and  pushing it REALLY hard in the circuit during my workout.  I was right on track with my food, but I bought some things for the kids: granola bars and POP TARTS.  OMG POP TARTS!  This one reason it is a good idea to shop AFTER you eat something.  This last trip was made on an empty stomach and I ALWAYS buy stuff NO ONE needs when I do that.  Pop Tarts. Ugh.

You may find the disgusting, but I don't.  I bought them for the kids to drop in the backpacks for break at school (like they can't take a peice of fruit?  I know, I know...UGH!).  I love Pop Tarts.  I never eat them UNLESS they find their way into the house.....meaning I BUY THEM AND BRING THWEM HOME!  NOT GOOD!

So yesterday afternoon, sore and tired, I actually had a pkg. in my hand and I was SO GONNA EAT THEM with a cup of fresh, strong coffee.

What do you do when temptation strikes?

I put them back and walked away.
It was hard.
I wanted those darn Pop Tarts.

I txt a couple of friends and they encouraged me to stay on track.

"Short term satisfaction derails long term satisfaction."

I have goals...I would like to see them at the end of 30 days, but it is gonna take some work!

Nose to the grindstone!

I gotta say I was thrilled when the craving left me...and they ALWAYS do.

Do you have a support system when the pantry calls to you?

Here are some ideas for those late afternoon snack attacks or late night nibbles:


Sometimes just KNOWING and ADMITTING to yourself that nighttime is a munchy time for you.  Know that time is coming, and when it does, acknowledge it, but stand firm.  You are in control.  The desire for whatever crap you have inhouse will go away.

2. Call or txt a Friend

My friends are excellent for this.  All I have to do it say "Tell me why I don't want to do this...." and they do.  With brutal honesty sometimes

3. Find a Project

Have something you enjoy doing and save it for the Nibble Hours.  Scrapbooking, knitting, a good book.  Save it for the evening...that way you are looking forward to that instead of the junk food.

4. DVR

Skip all commercials.  They are evil in the evenings!

5. Your Curves Coach

Put one on speedial.  We are here to help :-)

If you have any other ideas, feel free to post them here.
We are all in this together!


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