Friday, March 4, 2011

DAY 5 of 30.....FEVER ALERT

Nothing will derail your schedule like a sick child....
It can involve a trip to urgent care if your pediatrician cannot get you in, a trip to the pharmacy, calling co-workers to cover your shift ON TOP OF ALL THE REGULAR STUFF YOU GOTTA DO.

You know where this is going.
The drive-thru looks so tempting as you drive between the dr. and the pharmacy.

You are tired.
Possible coming down with the sniffles yourself.

 Planning saves you, here.

Isabella came down with a fever the night before last.  Which now explains her bad attitude a couple of days ago.   Don't I feel like a monster for complaining about it....

So my schedule is kinda wacky now and I am going to have to figure a few things out. I should have gotten up early and and hit the circuit before now....but I didn't.  My bed was too warm and it is my late day (work at 10:30) and Isabella obviously didn't need to get up for school.  But I should have because when am I going to do it NOW?  

What about my beloved Curves Circuit with Zumba???  
Will her fever break before 4pm?

So I have a wrench in the works today and I have to figure it out....
Thank Goodness I have planned my meals for this week and the drive-thru isn't even a temptation.  I have noodle soup here for Isabella...and tea....and tylenol....unless the fever spikes a lot we are covered.  I don't plan on taking her to the dr. right away....gonna let her cook a bit....

SO I guess what I will do today is head to work early so I can workout before my shift, and if Izzy cools a bit I will head up for Zumba at 4pm.  IF not I will hit the bike in the middle of my front room for my +30.

1 comment:

  1. Grant got a little fever too, he woke up and he was good to go this morning! So bop prolly just needs to rest and she'll be good!
